" For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain". Philippians 1:21

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Stepping out

Welcome to my blog and to my first post. I would like to start that I am very nervous stepping out of my comfort zone and sharing my life to others. I ask for you to over look my grammer and spelling mistakes because trust me I make many, no brain left after having to boys.

If you read my profile you know I am a stay at home mother of 2 wonderful, creative and sneaky boys, hehehe. They are 21 months and 4 and their b-days are coming soon, where does the time go. I am the wife to the most amazing Marine and we are currently stationed at Camp Pendelton, CA. We just moved back from Okinawa Japan 6 months ago and are STILL trying to get into a good routine. We currently attend and are members of West coast baptist church in vista, ca. God has truely blessed us with fnding a new church home. As some of you know being in the military you are always moving and having to start all over again all the time. By Gods grace and mercy I always find the place He wants me to learn and grow from and serve. Along this journey with so many moves I also always find Godly people to help me along the way and learn and grow from. Some of those people are here in my trusted blogger friends, dont have everyone. So please stop by their blogs and soak up a wealth of knowledge from these wonderful and amazing women.
Ok so a little bit about what has been going on since we moved. Ryan (my husband) is now working at SOI and goes through cycles with the new Marines and sometimes we wont see him during the week days but is usually home on the weekends. This new position is not so bad because we go up some times to see him and eat lunch or a dinner with him. So we are not complaining because he never leaves the base unlike last time when he was always gone. All I can say is God helped us to learn to lean on Him, draw closer to Him and grow. I thank Him daily for not giving up on me and always giving me the zillion try again.
The boys and I have been busy doing the normal stuff around the house and unpacking, going for walks and playing at the park ( when the weather allows). The boys are growing up on me to fast and amaze me of the things they pick up and learn everyday. Sometimes I wish I could just push the snooze button so it all stands stil so I would have more time with them and they couldnt grow up. But that will not happen and I just have to enjoy every moment I have with them and pray God can use them in a mighty way as they grow.
Alex, my younges,t is doing much better after having his curcumsion done almost 2 wks ago and is a trooper. While this was going on he got in his top eye teeth and is currently getting the bottom ones in. Ian, my oldest, is doing wonderful and growing smarter everyday. He is so excited to be starting school after the summer break. My big prayer is for Gods guidance in to home school or not. Money is the issue right now with gas prices rising and I ask if you could keep it in your prayers.
On another prayer request, my Father Henry is in the hospital again and it is not good. There is so much going on , the worst case the doctors dont want it to get to is lung transplant. He doesnt smoke and never has but his pulmonary ademia ( ALOT of fluid around the lungs and heart) is so bad it has ruined his lungs and cant ge enough air even being on O2. So I ask for his prayers and my motherwho has to take care of him, my grandfather who lives with them and she works.

Well I think that is enough for a start for today. I have other ideas of what I would like to share one being my weightloss testimony and what I am doing and what I did to loose 116 lbs. So be on the look out for that.


Pam--in America said...

I'm so excited that you finally started your blog! Can't wait to read more! Oh, and I LOVE the picture of the boys at the top! Too funny!!

Kimberly said...

Welcome to the blog world. It will be great keeping up with you. I am 3 days on eating different and exercising and have lost 5 lbs!

Laura said...

Jenny, you go girl! Glad you are here! Will reread your first post again, just "grazed" it. The boys are adorable and will pray for your dad!


Unknown said...

Hey thanks for the comment... Boy ALex sure is looking more and more like Ian... Miss you guys! I wonder how far you are from us lol......

GIve those boys a hug for me!

Liz said...

Hi Jenny! I've been seeing you around blog-world. I was wondering if you were going to join in on the fun. I'll be back to read more.

Praying for your dad, also.

kammie said...

WOW! Alex looks just like Ian! Glad to see you started a blog! Take care.

Laura said...

Jenny, email me please


Sara said...

Hey there jen! The boys look so alike in that pic! Sounds like you guys are enjoying Cali. Miss you!

TO BECOME said...

Hello, I am connie from Texas. I have just read you blog and enjoyed it very much.

I will be praying for your Dad. I pray things go well for him and your Mom.

Your kids are so sweet. I know you are so proud of them. I had four boys. It was such a blessing.

I am looking forward to reading about your weight loss. connie from Texas