" For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain". Philippians 1:21

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

New Journey

Well guys sorry for not posting in awhile but my life has been very crazy lately. Things are still good and we are all doing fine. On a side note my dad may be going back into the hospital because the lungs are filling up fast again and the meds are not working. He is in some what of good spirits but no word yet when he is going.

Ok so since the 6th I have had a wonderful guest in my house and have been having a blast. My friend Neri from Australia came out and is staying with us. She came out to train a bit, visit with my dear family and attended the Tae Bo certification camp. Well camp is over and she will be heading home on friday. I have learned so much from her being here and I am so grateful.
This is Neri with Billy Blanks at the cert camp. We have had fun training with Billy, shellie his daughter and some of his instuctors. I have learned so much and have grown alot.
Now for the new journey I bet you are wondering about. Well since she has been here I have been able to talk with Billy and Shellie alot and and do alot of praying and I have been blessed with a gift and realized God has a new journey for me. I have been given the wonderful priviledge to attend the Novembers Tae Bo certification camp to become a certified Tae Bo instructor. After talking with Billy and Shellie I was so blessed by this but I also new I wanted to do what God wanted and not go against His will. I prayed that if it was His will that doors would be open so I could go, and they have been. So far things are falling into place and I am so excited to be going. I also know that if things change before camp then it was'nt His will.
I am so excited to be able to take my love and devotion for the Lord and serving Him and my love for Tae Bo and helping people and putting them together. I feel that with teaching i can make it my ministry to reach others for the Lord. I can teach and get to know my students and then lay the foundations for the Lord to work and open doors so I can share the gospel with them. By helping them to loose weight and be an example to them and letting the Holy Spirit work through me I pray seeds can be planted and harvested too. I can make this my ministry and the one thing I can talk to poeple about to open doors for the most important thing, their salvation.
I know this may sound silly to some, a waste of time, or may sound like I am taking time away from my family. In no way do I feel like this. We all are different in how we reach others and talk to them about the Lord. I am a very shy person and this will help me be outgoing and open doors. I will be a better mother and wife by taking care of myself. I will have to pray sooooo much more for the Lord to help me get though a class to always be aware that others are watching me and looking to me. That I pray for every student that comes my way so I can talk to them about the Lord. So I will be closer to the Lord and leaning on Him so much.
I am very serious about health and taking care of yourself. If your body is not working right and you are not taking care of it then your mind starts to go too. I feel I am not taking care of what God has given to me and being a temple for the Lord. My father has really bad health and doesnt take his health seriously. In turn because of that he does'nt go to church or serve God at all. I know you can be in bad health and serve God but for me if I am in good health I can serve Him better.
Now when I do start to teach Ian will be in school at our churchs school and Alex will be with me depending on where I can get to teach. Alex will also be in school sooner then I would liek to admit. So i wont take away from my kids because I just wont do that. All my classes will be during the day and really not that many a week. If I should have to teach at night it will never be on a church night or during a time there is something at the church I would go to.
I know God will work this all out and help me to know what to do. From now and until Nove 7,8,9th I have training to do to get ready for cert camp and I ask for your prayers. This is going to be very physically and mentally challenging until camp and I need all the suport I can get.
Thank you for letting me ramble on about this and I will keep you updated as I get closer to cert cmp. Take care all and know you are always in my heart and prayers.


Pam--in America said...

Wow, that is quite an opportunity. I hope you will continue to pray for the Lord's leading as well. What does Ryan think about all of this? Is he excited?
Maybe you could start a class at church even so you can help the ladies exercise while being in a modest environment. That would be a good way of ministering to the sisters there.

Jenny P. said...

Yes Ryan is very excited and supportive on this. When he heard that both Billy and Shellie told me to get certified and about that door being opened he said if I dont take this gift and love that I have then I would be throwing it all away and be stupid.
He is helping in anyand every way he can. He feels this is what I was meant to do.
I love him so much and we both want Gods will for this and we know that so far it looks like it.

Liz said...

Oh wow, what an exciting opportunity! I am so excited by your commitment to healthy living. Can't wait to hear more!

Kimberly said...

will be praying for you!!

Anonymous said...

Miss ya much!!! Go for it and be FABULOUS!!!!!!!! Hugs, prayers and happy thoughts,
Love, me!!